Starry Night Photo Manipulation

Recently I had the idea to add a starry night sky to an image for my blog post What Advice Would You Give Your Teenage Self? (coming soon). The idea came when I knew I needed a photo for the post, and I knew the “aesthetic” of the image I was looking for. I knew I could find something within minutes on any stock site, but I didn’t want to have an image somebody else might have. I wanted my own. So I created one.

Since this was a blog post about giving advice to your teenage self, I got the sense of going back in time so I knew I needed to have stars or the galaxy in my photo to invoke this sense of time travel. This sense of going back in time to be the person I needed. To be the person to tell me everything will be okay, it’s all going to work out because even though several people had told me that, the only one I would have listened to would have been my future self.

I found a starry night sky image on a free stock sight and then I went through some old photos from my high school days. I was looking specifically for a landscape image with a lot of sky and came across one from our family trip to Yosemite. I was also looking specifically for a photo where I’m not looking at the camera, I wanted an image where I was looking up towards the sky or out across a landscape. I wanted an image of me seemingly looking for someone, for something, for advice. This photo was perfect.

Yosemite 2012

After watching a few tutorials and using my past experience in working with masks, I was able to add the starry sky and create the image you see below.

This was my first time doing a large manipulation. It was a lot of fun and I look forward to doing more in the future.